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push-pop stack

См. также в других словарях:

  • Stack (data structure) — In computer science, a stack is an abstract data type and data structure based on the principle of Last In First Out (LIFO) . Stacks are used extensively at every level of a modern computer system. For example, a modern PC uses stacks at the… …   Wikipedia

  • Stack Pointer — Vereinfachte Darstellung eines Stacks mit den Funktionen Push (drauflegen) und Pop (runternehmen) In der Informatik bezeichnet ein Stapelspeicher oder Kellerspeicher (kurz Stapel oder Keller, häufig auch mit dem englischen Wort Stack bezeichnet)… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Push-Down-Automat — Ein Kellerautomat (KA, auch PDA für englisch pushdown automaton; auch Stackmaschine) ist ein Automat im Sinne der Theoretischen Informatik. Es handelt sich also um ein rein theoretisches Konstrukt, das verwendet wird, um gewisse Eigenschaften von …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Stack-oriented programming language — A stack oriented programming language is one that relies on a stack machine model for passing parameters. Several programming languages fit this description, notably Forth and PostScript, and also many Assembly languages (but on a much lower… …   Wikipedia

  • Stack machine — In computer science, a stack machine is a model of computation in which the computer s memory takes the form of one or more stacks. The term also refers to an actual computer implementing or simulating the idealized stack machine.In addition, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Call stack — In computer science, a call stack is a stack data structure that stores information about the active subroutines of a computer program. This kind of stack is also known as an execution stack, control stack, run time stack, or machine stack, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Charles Leonard Hamblin — (1922 – 14 May 1985) was an Australian philosopher, logician, and computer pioneer, as well as a professor of philosophy at the Technical University of New South Wales (now the University of New South Wales) in Sydney. Among his most well known… …   Wikipedia

  • Klaus Samelson — (1918 – May 25, 1980) was a mathematician, physicist, and computer pioneer in the area of programming language translation and push pop stack algorithms for sequential formula translation on computers. Early life He was born in Straßberg, Germany …   Wikipedia

  • Abstrakter Datentyp — Ein Abstrakter Datentyp (ADT) ist ein Verbund von Daten zusammen mit der Definition aller zulässigen Operationen, die auf sie zugreifen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Beschreibung 2 Spezifikationen 3 Beispiel 3.1 …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Algoritmo shunting yard — El algoritmo shunting yard es un método para analizar (parsing) las ecuaciones matemáticas especificadas en la notación de infijo. Puede ser utilizado para producir la salida en la notación polaca inversa (RPN) o como árbol de sintaxis abstracta… …   Wikipedia Español

  • X86 assembly language — is the assembly language for the x86 class of processors, which includes Intel s Pentium series and AMD s Athlon series. Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnemonics to represent the fundamental operations that the CPU in a computer can… …   Wikipedia

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